The Story of My First 201 Failures


The Story of My First 201 Failures

Today's post is all about embracing failure and the unwavering spirit to keep trying no matter what. I want to share my personal journey in the world of real estate investing, highlighting how persistence and determination can truly change your path.

When I began my adventure in flipping houses, I had no money, no credit, and almost no knowledge of real estate. It was an uphill battle from the start. I started with nothing but a burning desire to succeed.

Because of my lack of capital and experience, lender after lender turned me down. Each rejection was a heavy weight, but I refused to let it crush my spirit. I made call after call, believing that somewhere out there, someone would see my potential.

It wasn’t easy. Most would give up after 10 calls. Many more would stop trying after 50 calls. Almost anyone would quit after 100 calls. But I didn't. There was no way I was going to be called a quitter! I couldn’t call myself a quitter! So, I persisted.


After 201 calls, I finally got a "yes on the 202 call ." It was a moment I’ll never forget—securing my first flip with no money down and no credit. That one ‘yes’ was a turning point, proving that persistence pays off.

Fast forward 20 years, and I am now a veteran investor. Still having may other failures along the way. Looking back, the struggles and rejections were just stepping stones to my success. Here are some key takeaways from my journey:


1. **Embrace Failure**: Each rejection is not the end but a step closer to success. Learn from it and move on.


2. **Persistence is Key**: Keep pushing forward regardless of the setbacks. The more you try, the closer you get to your breakthrough.


3. **Never Stop Learning**: Dive in, learn on the go, and adapt. Knowledge comes with experience, so stay curious and open to new ideas.

4. **Believe in Your Vision**: Let your belief in yourself and your goals propel you forward when the journey gets tough.

To all the aspiring entrepreneurs out there: don’t let failure or rejection deter you. Embrace each challenge, keep pushing, and know that persistence will carve your path to success. No matter where you start, it’s where you’re headed that counts.

Stay persistent, stay driven, and never give up. Your breakthrough is just around the corner.


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