Jackie Coffey Jackie Coffey

Embracing Humility as an Entrepreneur: A Journey from Childhood to Mindfulness

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my mom decided to move our family—my brother Scotty, my sister, and me—to Venezuela. I remember us arguing over who would get Mario 3 for our Nintendo first while we were on the plane. Little did I know, that journey would forever shape my perspective on life and entrepreneurship

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Jackie Coffey Jackie Coffey

🌟 Embrace the Power of You vs. You 🌟

Entrepreneurs, remember this: at the end of the day, it's only you versus you. Understanding your value and self-worth is crucial.

Every day, push yourself. Accept new challenges. When you look in the mirror, the opinions of others fade away. What truly matters is your own progress.

Whether you're surrounded by doubters or lack support, stay confident in yourself. Your belief in your value fuels your success.

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Jackie Coffey Jackie Coffey

The Caddillac Story: The very words meant to tear you down can ignite a fire within you to rise even higher.

When I was about 10 years old, I stole $5 from my grandma to buy some candy. It's not something I'm proud of, but I was young and still learning. However, what happened next truly changed my life.

My grandparents were highly respected business owners in our small town. They ran a successful greenhouse and were quite affluent. The time I stole money, my actions infuriated my grandpa. I was placed in time-out, and then he dragged me outside to the front yard by my arm.

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Motivation Jackie Coffey Motivation Jackie Coffey

Pushing Harder: A Journey of Motivation, Growth and Kristina’s Jeep

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves continuously striving to achieve our dreams. After a few flips, I thought I was on the right track. I wasn’t where I wanted to be yet, but I felt I was making progress.

Then, one day, something happened that changed my perspective forever.

A friend of mine, Kristina, came over for a BBQ. She was only a few years older than me and had just parked her brand-new Jeep outside.

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Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

The 4:00 AM Fear Factor

I’ve been an investor for 20 years. I’m confident in my abilities and intimately familiar with my industry. Very little comes as a surprise to me anymore, and the stress that once overwhelmed me has significantly diminished, even in new ventures! I will take on new challenges with open arms and the stress during the day minimally affects me.

Nevertheless, there’s one moment that can shake even the most seasoned professional: waking up at 4:00 AM. In that quiet, predawn hour, every worry seems amplified when you are half awake and half asleep.

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Business Advice, Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Business Advice, Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

The Story of My First Flip – How So Many Small Failures Tuned into a Massive Win

Entrepreneurship is rife with unexpected challenges, and my first property flip was no exception. What began with a harrowing struggle for financing became one of my most educational experiences and ultimately, a tale of resilience and redemption. Hopefully, my struggle will help you avoid some of the rookie mistakes I made if its your first flip! Don’t worry, I’ll add a few lessons and take away here, so you’re not lost! Lol

The Bumpy Road

The journey started with a staggering 202 calls to secure 100% financing. Well, almost 100%. I needed $600.00 to close the deal. So, Scotty, my brother let me borrow it! When the approval finally came, I felt exhilarated but naive to the trials ahead.

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Business Advice, Motivation Jackie Coffey Business Advice, Motivation Jackie Coffey

My Daughter Wanted Me to Build An Escape Room – So I did.  The Story of Texas's Largest Escape Room – The Great Escape

Imagine this: it's my daughter’s 12th birthday, and we're at an escape room. I thought it would be nothing more than puzzles taped on walls, but boy, was I wrong. We had a blast! When we exited the room, my daughter casually suggested, "Mom, you should open an escape room."

Now, anyone else might have brushed it off, but I remembered something crucial. By turning the word “can’t” into “how,” anything becomes possible. It's like unlocking a superpower. So, why not build an escape room? Hmm How can I build an escape room?

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Keynote Topics, Motivation Jackie Coffey Keynote Topics, Motivation Jackie Coffey

Conquering Self-Limiting Beliefs: Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success 🚀

Time and time again, I see talented individuals with immense potential hindered by their own self-limiting beliefs. Despite their enthusiasm, they rattle off countless reasons why they "can't" achieve success. Whether it's being a parent, lacking spousal support, or financial constraints, these reasons become roadblocks.

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Keynote Topics, Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Keynote Topics, Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

How I almost didn’t become the UNOFFICIAL World Skating Limbo Champion

A little while later, I heard them announce that limbo was coming up. I was excited to impress her and show off just a little. I noticed she went to change skates for the limo, she went from in-lines to quads (four-wheel skates) We both got in line for the contest. It started with 30 kids and quickly narrowed down to just me and her. I am on the second bar to the bottom and I hit the bar and was out. She did the lowest bar and won and In the end, I lost. I was devastated, embarrassed and humiliated.

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Keynote Topics, Motivation Jackie Coffey Keynote Topics, Motivation Jackie Coffey

The Story of When the FBI Seized My Home

As an entrepreneur, I've faced my share of challenges, but none loomed larger than the fear of losing my home—a fear rooted deeply in my past.

When I was a little girl, my stepdad seemed like an ideal father figure. He was wonderful to my mom, my siblings, and me. We lived in a beautiful house, and he appeared every bit the perfect businessman—always in a suit, never drinking or smoking, nothing that was bad for his body. But beneath this façade, was something different, he was a heroin dealer, a figure straight out of "American Gangster."

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Entrepreneur, Motivation, Keynote Topics Jackie Coffey Entrepreneur, Motivation, Keynote Topics Jackie Coffey

The Moment I knew I was Destined to be an Entrepreneur.

Although we were considerably competitive with each other, watching my older brother Scotty, growing up was nothing short of inspiring. Every Christmas, while other kids were enjoying their break, he was out there hustling, selling poinsettias from my dads greenhouse to every business in town. No sleeping in, no distractions—just pure, unwavering commitment to his goal.

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Business Advice, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Business Advice, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

✨ The Truth About Being Rich vs Being Wealthy ✨

Ever noticed how some people are covered in name brands, flaunting their designer bags and flashy cars? It often seems like these folks want to feel rich or have others think they're rich. But there's a subtle difference between being rich and being wealthy. 

Here's the thing: Truly wealthy individuals don’t waste their money on keeping up with the Joneses. They understand that real wealth doesn’t scream for attention. It’s not about constantly buying the latest trends or stacking up purses in their rooms.

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Jackie Coffey Jackie Coffey

Should You Work with Family and Friends? Maybe one...My Mom

Should You Work with Family and Friends?

Mixing business with family or friends? My stance is clear: absolutely not. This golden rule shapes every decision I make in business, solidified by an unfortunate incident where a family member attempted to defraud me of $60,000.

There is, however, one exception to this rule — my mom. Despite a challenging upbringing and significant adversities, my mom remains my bedrock. She has faced countless struggles, and through it all, our bond has only strengthened.

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Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

Why I Am an Investor and Not a Realtor: My Story of Hustle and Risk

People often ask me, "Jackie, why aren’t you a realtor?" The answer is pretty simple: I break far too many rules to fit in that box. In the world of real estate investing, sometimes you have buy a house without ever stepping foot inside first. It’s risky, it’s thrilling, and it’s what I love.

Back in my early 20s, I crossed paths with a businessman named Mitchell. Mitchell was in the commercial construction business, building Home Depot stores and other big-name facilities. Despite his serious reputation, he was drawn to my hustle and energy. Our bond formed over an unusual situation—I found out a mutual friend of ours was stealing 50K in another deal from Mitchell.

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Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey Motivation, Lifestyle Jackie Coffey

Investing in Time: A Personal Journey for Entrepreneurs

When Bella was a baby and I was still a struggling young mom, I found solace in parenting magazines. They were filled with ads for dreamy hotels and family-friendly destinations. One particular ad, featuring a shark slide at Atlantis, Paradise Island in the Bahamas, captivated my heart. I wanted to be able to take Bella there so badly. It seemed like an unattainable dream back then—I could hardly afford diapers, let alone a luxurious vacation. But I clipped that ad, folded it carefully, and kept it in my wallet. Little did I know, that small piece of paper would fuel my entrepreneurial journey.

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