Embracing Humility as an Entrepreneur: A Journey from Childhood to Mindfulness

Embracing Humility as an Entrepreneur: A Journey from Childhood to Mindfulness

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my mom decided to move our family—my brother Scotty, my sister, and me—to Venezuela. I remember us arguing over who would get Mario 3 for our Nintendo first while we were on the plane. Little did I know, that journey would forever shape my perspective on life and entrepreneurship.

Landing in Caracas, we drove to my Abuela’s house. This wasn’t like America at all. The level of poverty was something I’d never comprehended before. Other than the occasional homeless person, I hadn't seen much destitution back home. But here, we encountered people—kids my own age—simply asking for water, food, or even shoes. Some girls my age walked around wearing nothing but underwear. It was a shock I couldn’t ignore. Here we were, fighting over a game, while these kids just sought bare essentials like food and clean water.

That experience never left me. It made a deep, lasting impression on me at such a young age. Witnessing it daily, living there, and seeing the struggle first hand made me far more grateful and humbled me to my core.

As entrepreneurs, it's incredibly easy to get swept up in the hustle, perpetually focused on what’s next. We often tether our happiness to future benchmarks and milestones, constantly reaching for our next goal. But take a moment to pause. Reflect on what you have right now. Chances are, you once prayed or longed for this very moment.

Gratitude and humility aren’t just virtues; they are powerful tools that fuel personal and professional growth. Being thankful for what you have and staying humble provides a clearer perspective and an open heart. It keeps you grounded, genuine, and adaptable—important traits for any entrepreneur. Remember, your journey is not just about reaching the top; it’s also about appreciating the climb.

So, as you grind and hustle, keep humility close. Celebrate your successes, but never forget to be thankful for the progress you've made and the opportunities you’ve been given. By embracing humility, you not only enrich your own life but also inspire and uplift those around you.

Let’s all strive to be thankful for what we have, remembering that our attitude can take us farther than we ever imagined. Stay humble, stay grateful, and watch how far it can take you. 


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