The Caddillac Story: The very words meant to tear you down can ignite a fire within you to rise even higher.

When I was about 10 years old, I stole $5 from my grandma to buy some candy. It's not something I'm proud of, but I was young and still learning. However, what happened next truly changed my life.

My grandparents were highly respected business owners in our small town. They ran a successful greenhouse and were quite affluent. The time I stole money, my actions infuriated my grandpa. I was placed in time-out, and then he dragged me outside to the front yard by my arm.

With a stern look, he pointed to his brand-new grey Cadillac and told me that I would never have something like that. According to him, only my cousins, who were "good kids," would achieve such success. I would never, because I was an ornery brat that was just like my mother. His words stung, and he sent me home.

(He wasn’t a big fan of my mom, and I think I really reminded him of her, he always seemed to compare me and I know liked me a little less than everyone else but I didn’t mind it much)

As a child, I didn’t care much about cars or success so I didn’t think twice about it. While those were the last of my stealing days his comment lingered with me over the years, especially as I started to find success in my career. Despite my achievements, my grandpa never acknowledged them or told me he was proud of me.

Eventually, I began doing exceptionally well, even surpassing some of my cousins he had compared me to so harshly. Then came the time to buy a car. Now I’ve never been a name-brand person. But for the first time in my life, I picked a name-brand car, And what do you think I chose?

Your damn right it was an all-black Cadillac Escalade.

I proudly showed it to my grandma, hoping my grandpa would see it. He did, but he never said a word.

Was it tough love or did he just not like me? If it was, did his tough love win? Perhaps. It pushed me to strive for the best and to prove him wrong. But it wasnt just about winning. It was about showing that we were also alike in many ways. Cars, our business mindset, and a few other things. He still never liked me and was a little mean to me when he saw me but its ok, because Most of my adult life, I've driven only black Cadillacs because he told me it was an achievement that would never be mine. If he would of said it about a Chevy or Ford the outcome would of been the same.


So, to all the entrepreneurs and dreamers out there: Never give up, even when someone tells you that you can't achieve something. Sometimes, the very words meant to tear you down can ignite a fire within you to rise even higher.


If you're driven by doubt or criticism, use it as fuel to keep pushing forward. Remember, success isn't just about proving others wrong; it's about proving to yourself that you can be the best version of yourself.


Keep driving forward. 🚗💪


#NeverGiveUp #EntrepreneurSpirit #Motivation #DriveSuccess #CadillacJourney #ProveThemWrong #KeepPushing #DreamBig #Inspiration #ToughLove #speaker #keyNotespeaker


🌟 Embrace the Power of You vs. You 🌟


Pushing Harder: A Journey of Motivation, Growth and Kristina’s Jeep