Investing in Time: A Personal Journey for Entrepreneurs

The slide that goes into the shark pool.

**Investing in Time: A Personal Journey for Entrepreneurs**

When Bella was a baby and I was still a struggling young mom, I found solace in parenting magazines. They were filled with ads for dreamy hotels and family-friendly destinations. One particular ad, featuring a shark slide at Atlantis, Paradise Island in the Bahamas, captivated my heart. I wanted to be able to take Bella there so badly. It seemed like an unattainable dream back then—I could hardly afford diapers, let alone a luxurious vacation. But I clipped that ad, folded it carefully, and kept it in my wallet. Little did I know, that small piece of paper would fuel my entrepreneurial journey.

Over the years, I worked tirelessly, making sacrifices and carefully investing every penny. My focus was always on securing our future, but the dream of taking my family to that island never faded. Finally, after years of hard work and strategic investments, the time came when I could not only reinvest but I saved enough for our dream vacation.

Taking Bella, my son, and Bella's friend to Atlantis in the Bahamas was one of my proudest moments as a mother and entrepreneur. I already had friends I knew that traveled with their families often and it took me a little while longer to get there but I go there. When we arrived, I pulled out that worn-out ad and thanked God for guiding me through those challenging years. The joy on their faces as we explored the resort together was indescribable. I showed Bella the ad and in her little voice told me she was proud of me.

Becoming an entrepreneur is an amazing feat alone but the best thing to work for is the freedom. The freedom of time. Sure you can buy purses and cars, but me, I’d rather buy adventures, memories, and Freedom.

Here are my key takeaways for fellow entrepreneurs:

1. **Hold onto Your Dreams:**

   No matter how far-fetched they seem, dreams give us purpose. Keep reminders of them close, and let them motivate you through tough times.

2. **Invest Wisely:**

   Focus on securing your future first. Make smart financial decisions that allow you to grow and save.

3. **Reward Yourself:**

   Once you’ve established financial stability, don’t hesitate to indulge in the experiences that matter most to you. Your hard work deserves recognition.

4. **Prioritize Experiences Over Material Goods:**

   The memories you create with your family through travel and adventures are invaluable. They provide a richer return on investment than any material possession.

5. **Time is Priceless:**

   Spend your money on time—time with your loved ones, time exploring new places, and time creating unforgettable moments. 

As entrepreneurs, we often get caught up in the grind of building our businesses. But remember, the ultimate goal is to build a life you love. For me, that means spending on adventures and time with my family, enriching our lives with experiences and memories. 

What are you investing your time and money in? Share your thoughts below!

**#EntrepreneurLife #FamilyFirst #InvestInExperiences #DreamsComeTrue #WorkLifeBalance #keynotespeaker #speaker #Atlantis #ParadiseIsland


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