You Can Do Anything If You Try: My In-Ground Pool Story

I wanted an inground pool. All of the quotes I received were around $80,000 which I thought was pretty high. So, I thought, “why not try to build my own pool”, Despite knowing nothing about pools of course!

Getting ready to smooth the concrete of the tanning ledge.

Beautifully completed pool!


So, in 2019 I decided to try. Then, someone told me that I couldn’t build my own in-ground pool. According to them, it was too complicated, too time-consuming, and too risky and he was sure I would fail.

He thought since he couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t be able to do it.

But instead of taking their words to heart, I decided to prove them wrong. I embarked on a journey that taught me one of life’s greatest lessons: anything is possible if you JUST TRY.

Building my in-ground pool wasn’t just about proving a point; it was about embracing the philosophy that everything is “figureoutable:. Sure, I didn’t have all the answers at the start, I didn’t have any. I didn’t have all the skills or knowledge. But I took a calculated risk, knowing that I could learn what I needed along the way.

I spent hours researching, watching tutorials, and consulting experts. There were setbacks, moments of screaming frustration, and times when I questioned my own sanity for attempting this. But with every challenge, I reminded myself why I started. I learned, adapted, and kept pushing forward and every day completed small tasks, one at a time.

Eight weeks later, my pool was complete, and it wasn’t just a pool. It was a symbol of determination, perseverance, and the incredible heights we can reach when we decide to try. It stood as a testament to the idea that fortune TRULY favors the bold, those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones and take risks.

Here are a few key takeaways from my experience:

1. **Everything is Figureoutable**: No matter how daunting a task may seem, you can find a way if you're willing to learn and adapt.

2. **Take Calculated Risks**: Assess the risks and rewards, and move forward with confidence, knowing you’ve prepared as much as possible.

 3. **Persistence Pays Off**: There will be challenges, but persistence and the willingness to overcome obstacles will lead you to success.

 4. **Believe in Yourself**: Sometimes, the greatest obstacle is our own self-doubt. Believe you can, and you’re already halfway there.

 My journey of building an in-ground pool is just one example. Each of us has the potential to achieve great things if we dare to try. So, the next time someone tells you that something is impossible, remember that the only limits are the ones you place upon yourself. Dream big, take risks, and realize that you have the power to do anything.

Stay bold, stay persistent, and never stop believing in the power of trying, remember, just because someone thinks they can’t do it, doesn’t mean you can't do it.

Feel free to share your stories and experiences of overcoming challenges. I’d love to hear how you’ve turned the impossible into possible! 🌟💪

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