Should You Work with Family and Friends? Maybe one...My Mom

Me and my mom building and painting The Great Escape

Should You Work with Family and Friends? 

Mixing business with family or friends? My stance is clear: absolutely not. This golden rule shapes every decision I make in business, solidified by an unfortunate incident where a family member attempted to defraud me of $60,000.

There is, however, one exception to this rule — my mom. Despite a challenging upbringing and significant adversities, my mom remains my bedrock. She has faced countless struggles, and through it all, our bond has only strengthened.

As I grew older, I transitioned from a place of blame to one of understanding. I began to grasp the depth of my mom’s challenges and the decisions she made. This newfound perspective birthed qualities in me that could have helped ease her burdens and ultimately save her. These insights have been pivotal in shaping my investor mindset.

My mom has imparted invaluable lessons, instilling good virtues and teaching resilience through her own hardships. This unique combination has contributed significantly to the person I am today. Her influence is an intrinsic part of my character — flaws and all.

Through every business obstacle, every project that went over budget, and every moment of doubt, all of it. She’s been a constant pillar of support. She has been the last one standing when no one else could or lost stamina. She never has. Her unwavering commitment to me has made all the difference in who I am today.

 While I maintain a strict boundary with other family and friends in business undertakings, working with my mom is an exception I wholeheartedly embrace every single time. I love my Mama.


#BusinessWisdom #SupportSystem #FamilyFirst #LifeLessons #keynotespeaker #Speaker

Getting the painting done!

Making puzzles at The Great Esacpe

Mom helping me with one of my rentals.


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